Dokumentation av verket ”Spelet utan mål” Foto: Karl Larsson

Program 2021

Karl Larsson / Spelet utan mål 

The game without an end Rediscoverleave the balanced and the organized for a momentbecome a visitor who’s distorted perspective initiates questionsThe sound wanderyou are about to experience shifting boundariesquestions about time and space, you realize its about the mechanisms of the distribution of powerWhat you hear and experience, is it in a relation to the collective memory? The sonic starting point is descriptions of photographs upon which field recordings and music are placed. The game without an end is an audio walk, instructions and information are available on the website www.speletutanmå 


You, the visitor

Visitor information

During the entire exhibition period Monday – Sunday  00 – 12pm

Performances and chances to meet the artists will be available throughout the period at the location.

Occation: 1
Time: 26:th of september 2021 at 14–18.  


Occation: 2
Time: 3:rd October 2021 at 14–18  

Location: Outside the building of Röda Sten