”Jag Finns”, Norma. Utställning, galleriet

Program 2021

Bokrelease, Muren av Therese Moberg. Samtal med Therese Moberg och Ullakarin Nyberg 

”The Wall” is a graphic novel by Therese Moberg. In ”The wall” we meet Jorunn who suffers from eating disorder, depression and self-harming behavior. The book is a visual description of psychological distress and a testimony of a journey through the psychiatric health care system. The book consists of watercolour paintings and poems by the author. 

Ullakarin Nyberg is a consultant psychiatrist actively working with suicide prevention in psychiatry in North Stockholm. She is researcher in suicidology, lecturing and writing about suicide prevention. 


Therese Moberg, Ulla-Karin Nyberg